Proof of the Afterlife: The dead don't die.: True Tales of the Afterlife. Life after Death. Proof of Heaven. Afterlife is Real. by Steph Young

Proof of the Afterlife: The dead don't die.: True Tales of the Afterlife. Life after Death. Proof of Heaven. Afterlife is Real. by Steph Young

Author:Steph Young [Young, Steph]
Language: eng
Format: azw3
Published: 2022-11-29T00:00:00+00:00

Chapter Nine

“There he stood. Hair - spiky as always. Eyes - so, so blue.”

W hen Alan Crossley was alive, he was an avid attendee of seances, and in particular, he became heavily involved in the Leicester home circle of the medium Rita Goold. ‘Materialised Figures Appear at Home Circle,’ wrote Psychic News in February 1983. ‘SOLID spirit forms, an experienced Spiritualist told PN last week, are being obtained at Rita Goold's Leicester home Circle. Spiritualist Alan Crossley testified that one figure appeared in "a beautiful lace dress." Another manifested in "a complete military uniform." He also said he was reunited with his wife. “My wife Irene, who passed four years ago, manifested to me on no less than four occasions with individual mannerisms and characteristics so familiar to me." More rather remarkable physical experiences apparently happened with the medium Rita Goold too, involving a little spirit boy called Russell. The story of Russell begins one evening at the home of Gwen and Alf Winchester, in Essex. They had lost their son Russell when he was just a child. One evening, Gwen, a trained soprano, had left Alf home alone to go out singing. As Alf settled in for a quite night, it was suddenly disturbed by a telephone call from a journalist in the Midlands who happened to be attending a Rita Goold seance. At this point, neither Alf nor Gwen had heard of Rita, nor were they in any way involved in spiritualism. The journalist explained in the telephone call that at the seance they had been given a phone number to call by spirits. A few years ago, Spirit Today published an incredible interview on medium Rita Goold, detailing the remarkable story as it unfolded, and the following day, Alf and Gwen drove to meet the medium themselves. Gwen, takes up the story. “My husband Alf has also joined Russell in Spirit now. Alf and I met in June 1948. Alf passed to spirit in June 2008. The reason I am being interview today is because I have had the rare experience of being reunited with my ‘dead’ son. Alf and I have met our ‘dead’ son Russell on many, many occasions; over one hundred, the first being 14 August 1983. I trained to be a classical soprano. I was away singing at Stanstead Hall so I was not home when Alfie took the phone call. He phoned with the news very early the next day. He came and collected me and we drove to the Midlands to sit with a medium that my son Russell had come through with the previous night.” As they sat there in the medium’s house, Gwen says her son appeared before her. “He was in full form. He held my hands and then his father’s hand. There was a lot of “Hello’s”. He had a torch in his hand which he shone on himself and showed himself fully for us. With his torch, he said to me, “Watch Mum. I will show you all of me!” And he did.


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